Saturday, November 21, 2009

Great Expectations

We woke up with great news. My sister-in-law gave birth to a beautiful baby girl in the wee hours of the morning in Pa. Welcome Angelina Melissa to the world. She is named after Tony's late grandmother, Angelina and Melanie's sister, Melissa, that passed a few years ago. There hasn't been another Calabretti girl since Gabi was born in 2003! We are so happy for them.

Today is going to be a great day. Besides our wonderful family news, I can just feel that things will go better than expected. Tony is off to work (on Saturday-yippee) and I have planned some fun things to do with the kids. We are off to the library and then to the teacher store to do a fun Thanksgiving Day craft followed by lunch out. Sounds like a fun and easy plan...let's see if everyone cooperates. If not, Tony will be home by 2 and he can take over while I take a much needed nap.

1 comment:

  1. so much for setting high expectations. aidan lasted over an hour. we managed to get in the library, but had to get the lunch and eat it at home. aidan is good at the library except for the being quiet part and leaving part. this makes for a very stressed out mommy. gabi wasn't her little angelic self today either. kids 2- mommy 0
    off to nap.
