As if the morning before school isn't hectic enough, add Aidan to the mix and the morning equals pure chaos. The kids wake up around 6 a.m. Within the hour all we need to do is get them dressed and downstairs for breakfast and to brush their teeth and hair by 7:15. Sounds pretty simple, but with Aidan around, we have found that this simple routine is nothing
but simple.
There is normally the regular tantrum of not wanting to take off the Thomas jammies or wanting to wear something really inappropriate to school, like a sweatshirt when it's 100 degrees out. However, Aidan went up and above any regular tantrum this morning when he started breaking and shattering glass bottles this morning.
For almost 2 years we have had a lovely bathroom set in the bathroom filled with vanilla spray bottles, a candle and other sweet stuff. Aidan has never noticed them before...until this morning. This morning, he started throwing all of the little scented beads and tossing them to the dog like candy. Next up was the glass bottle of vanilla. In the bottle was decorative rocks and leaves. However, Aidan thought it would look better splattered on the floor. To make matters even more interesting this morning, Aidan decided he was going to throw the bottle at Gabi's feet. Good thing Gabi had her shoes on already and a pair of long pants on or she would have been cut!
With only 5 minutes to get out the door, Tony and I now needed to grab the dog and put him in his room so he didn't get cut, grab Gabi and check her for glass, get Aidan in the naughty chair, clean up the mess and most importanly, grab our coffee.
Luckily for me I still had to get both kids in the car and drive to school. Everyone greeted us as we enter the building and wondered why I looked exhausted already. Aidan flashed one of his infamous cheesy smiles and of course, no one believes that my little "angel" has been doing anything wrong.
I then got to start my day with 22 other kids!
Hope your morning was (will always be) better than mine!